Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Joshua Disciplines the Cat
So, we have had a hard time getting Joshua to stop climbing on everything in tar-nation! This morning I turn around and he is on the dining room table. I have told him a billion times to not climb on the table. So, without warning I pick him up and tell him "no climbing on the table, time out!" and place him in time out and set the timer in the kitchen - this is how we do time out. When the timer goes off, Joshua always lets you know he is done "All done! All done!". I go and take him out of time out and always bring him back to the scene of the crime and tell him no .... and then whatever the violation was and then give him a kiss. As a parent you always wonder if your time and effort into discipline ever actually gets through, God decided to humor me and show me that I did indeed get through to my son, even if its just this one time. Now God likes to be a comedian in my life, so here is how he showed me.

About a half hour after the table discipline event, Joshua and I are sitting at the table eating our breakfast. He had been talking a little to me but eating and doing his thing. Randomly he starts lecturing the table and I nod along and say "yes, you are right, we don't climb on the table". He starts pointing and vehemently trying to lecture the table. I finally get a clue and look in the direction he is pointing in - there at the other end of the table lays the cat, on top of the table. Josh starts trying to get out of his high chair and is saying "please! please!" and pointing to the cat. So, I decide to humor Josh and I let him out. He goes right over the the cat and starts pointing his little finger and lecturing her! Then he starts pointing to time out and saying to me "please! please! Titty!" I asked him " You want kitty to be in time out?" He answers "Yeah - Yeah". So, I pick up Keetawn and we put her in time out, then Joshua proceeds to walk over to the timer, points up and says "that - that!" I set the timer for like 15 seconds. When the beeper goes off Josh proudly announces "All done titty! All done!" and marches over to let her out. The cat is still in time out (we use a pack and play in our hallway) so I take her out and then my son proceeds to march us over the scene of the crime and lectures her again. Then he grabs her, pulls her down and gives her a kiss. Then he marches back over to his high chair and asks to get back in. LOL! I am trying to not crack up hysterically because Joshua was all very serious about this!

So, my hilarious story that would not fit on facebook, but I had to share. God really does have a sense of humor and from time to time, our kids really do get what we are trying to teach them :-)